Wednesday, September 10, 2014

7th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments in Housing Allowance Case

Religion Clause blog reports today that the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals heard oral arguments (audio of full arguments) yesterday in Freedom From Religion Foundation v. Lew, No. 14-1152. FFRF is challenging Section 107 of the Internal Revenue Code which allows "ministers of the gospel" to exempt from their income taxes income designated as a housing allowance. The exemption is just one more example of mythical equal justice under law and the government's favoritism of belief (and Christianity in particular) over non-belief.

The benefit can be quite substantial. For example, Rick Warren, pastor of Saddlebrook Church in California, has been able to exempt a Section 107 housing allowance of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year from his income tax liability -- just one more reason why every man, woman and child share of the nation debt is $55,000.

As an aside, I am jealous of FFRF because Michael Gompertz and Robert Baty requested that I take this case a number of years ago.  FFRF beat me to the courthouse.