I watched the 22 minute video to which I replied:
I watched Trey Smith's video "The Choice: God in a Nutshell." I would ask you do what Trey asks at the end:-- "open your eyes." The video is pure Christian Apologetics fantasy. It rests on the false premise: "Yet by definition, the very definition of God with a capital G, is merely the intelligent source from which all creation extends to exist." From this false premise flows the unreality of Jesus as God. A lot of tearful graphics, such as a bloody Jesus on a cross and wolves tearing apart a human carcass, doesn't make any of it true. It just draws the gullible into the fold of misguided believers. For more than 50 of my 70 years I have not been aware of any credible evidence of the existence of a god. If you are aware of any credible evidence, I invite you to share it.As a retired lawyer with a passion for observation, logic and verification -- reason and science -- evidence must meet a high bar of proof to be credible. Merely alleging that God created the Universe is not proof of the existence of God. Based on the lack of credible evidence of the existence of God, I conclude that the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God does not exist. However, should such evidence come to light before my demise, I will re-evaluate my belief. I do not intend to hold my breath in the meantime.