Thursday, November 26, 2020

It is shocking that the U.S. Supreme Court commands us to murder, steal and commit adultery -- that's the English translation of the Adolph A. Weinman's bas-relief of Moses overlapping tablets on the South Wall Frieze of its courtroom: 

"Thou shall murder" (line 1), "Thou shall steal" (line 2) and "Commit adultery" (line 3). (Translation by Avrahaum Segol; verified at pp. 12-13 of the oral argument transcript of Pleasant Grove City v. Summum, Nov. 12, 2008.) (Photo: Steve Petteway, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States.)

By: Robert V. Ritter, Founder, Jefferson Madison Center for Religious Liberty

Agenda for Secular America

    I sincerely believe that black lives matter. As do LGBTQ lives. As do the lives of Atheists and all people. That is the foundation of our social contract -- all people are equal under the law.
    Blacks and LGBTQ have had their days in the Sun fighting for justice. It is time us to recognize Christian privilege and its injustice to Atheists and religious minorities..
    To this end, the Jefferson Madison Center for Religious Liberty today announces its Agenda for Secular America and a roadmap to stamp out Christian privilege.
  1. the Supreme Court alter the prayer that opens each session -- G-d save the United States of America and this honorable Court
  2. Amend 36 U.S. Code. § 302 by substituting "In People We Trust," "In Reason We Trust" or "United We Stand for "In G-d We Trust".
  3. Repeal the 1954 addition of "under G-d" to the Pledge of Allegiance (4 U.S.C. § 4).
  4. Repeal 36 U.S. Code § 119 directing the president to issue a National Day of Prayer proclamation annually on the first Thursday in May.
  5. Prohibit military bands playing God Bless America.
  6. Amend 5 U.S. Code § 3331 by removing "So help me G-d" from the oath taken by federal officials (except the president),
  7. Amend 28 U.S. Code § 453 by removing "So help me G-d" from the oath taken by justices and judges.
  8. naturalization oath
  9. Religious Freedom Restoration Act 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb through 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb-4 
  10. No organization receiving funds from the United States of America shall discriminate with respect to the services they provide on the basis of religion or nonbelief., including reproductive services, adoption, food distribution or shelter..
  11. Encourage politicians not to eonclude their speeches with "G-d bless America."
  12. Move religious monuments to public property.
  13. The Houses of Representatives and the Senate hire a secular chaplain or eliminate the chaplain position.
  14. Repeal __ U.S. Code § __ (i.e. remove In G-d We Trust from U.S. currency). 
  15. Repeal __ U.S. Code § __ (i.e. remove In G-d We Trust from U.S. coins).
  16. Repeal the Boy Scouts of America national charter __ U.S. Code § __ if the organization does not eliminate its requirement for belief in a supreme being.
  17. Encourage Little League Baseball and Softball and other quasi organizations to eliminate their requirement for belief in a supreme being.
  18. Repeal I.R.C. § 107 (parsonage allowance).
  19. Enforce the Johnson Amendment prohibiting houses of worship from endorsing a candidate for public office.
By: Robert V. Ritter, Founder, Jefferson Madison Center for Religious Liberty

Justice Amy Coney Barret cements Christian Privilege for an Activist Christian Nationalist Supreme Court

My fears of Christian Nationalism and Christian Privilege with the addition Justice Amy Coney Barrett are realized in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo -- a Supreme Court decision issued yesterday. In a 5-4 decision (Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett in the majority), the State of New York is enjoined from enforcing its #Covid-19 restrictions against churches based on a moronic interpretation of the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. 

Under Employment Division v. Smith (1990), "the right of free exercise does not relieve an individual of the obligation to comply with a 'valid and neutral law of general applicability on the ground that the law proscribes (or prescribes) conduct that his religion prescribes (or proscribes).' " 

So what did the gang of Christian nationalists do, they (1) failed to defer to state health officials with expertise and (2) falsely parsed the pool of secular comparables (i.e., instead of comparing churches to theaters, etc. where people are in close proximity for extended periods of time, the Court majority compared them to retail stores where people are more spread out and move about -- the former having greater restrictions, the latter less restrictive). 

Essentially, the Supreme Court has weaponized the Free Exercise Clause to promote Christian privilege.

By: Robert V. Ritter, Founder, Jefferson Madison Center for Religious Liberty, November 26, 2020